Part 2 Best Kodi 18 build ever! No BUFFERING/November 2019. HardNox🆕 supercharge 4 Max performance

Click the following link if you have not done part 1…
Best Kodi 18 build ever! No BUFFERING/November 2019. HardNox🆕 Best performing! best kodi add-ons
The video got cut off…. It was done… All you had to do is click use as widget…then click the back button a bunch of times to it takes you back to the main menu… Then let it sit for 2 minutes while changes the menu around and builds the shortcuts… Then do your buffer fix again,force close Kodi, open it back up, as always, wait two minutes after opening up the Kodi build and then you’re Gravy!
Links for my complete setup outside of the Kodi build will be available soon… I do have October complete setup…but within the next couple days I will have one put up for adding apks and all the stuff you need outside of the Kodi build to get the absolute maximum performance out of your device… I always do two videos for my complete setup… One for Android devices Xboxes Nvidia Shield… And of course one for Fire TV… Thanks for watching